Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Quick Post


This week has been busy because of greek week. I'm only in variety show though. Also since today is tuesday free food! This week there was free milkshakes from this restaurant called tommy's. Sadly it was kinda a melty but never less delicious. I also did my nails from the nail polish I go from my big. It's pink of course and I also had little flowers on my thumb and ring finger. I seriously love the feature of being able to schedule posts. As you can see there is a post every week yay!

In case you are wonder here is my to do list for the week:

  • go to variety practice tomorrow
  • interview with akpsi brother tomorrow & thurs
  • variety show thurs evening
  • finish stuff for akpsi pledge class event
  • study for upcoming math test
Have a lovely day~



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