Wednesday, April 23, 2014



My school brought in food trucks which was super awesome. There were huge lines. They only gave each person a small amount of tickets to get food. There were four food trucks: sushi, mexican food, donut, and cupcake. I ended up going to the cupcake line because it was the shortest. As you can see above I got just a vanilla cupcake and a salted caramel cupcake. What I wasn't thinking was that getting these to cupcakes took away most my tickets. I couldn't get anything else so what did I do? I got back in the cupcake line and got mini cupcakes!

They are so adorable. I prefer the vanilla cupcake because I don't like the how salty the caramel one was. Because it had rained earlier it made the air very humid therefore the cupcakes taste very moist.  Though I do have to agree that the cupcake place back home makes better cupcakes. I wish they would do more during the school year.

Have a lovely day!



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