Friday, May 2, 2014

More Macaroons

Hello friends,

Earlier I went to the small french patisserie with my friend.  Since these past few weeks I have been so busy I haven't gotten the chance to hang out with her. A couple of days a ago I saw her at starbucks and we end up talking about the french patisserie that she didn't know about. I really enjoy going to places that sell dessert with her because like me she loves desserts & pastries. We walked there and discovered that it was closed on that day. So today i shot her a text and we walked there this evening. It was really filled but we got our macaroons. I got one of each kind available they were: Chamomile, drunken cherry, dark chocolate, pernod, blueberry, and strawberry basil. She also kind one each like I did. This time i got the opera which was french tiramisu. 

This is another pic of the interior of the store. 


I love how this tiramisu looks. It has 8 layers but a little too hard. I really like how they used dark chocolate as a decor on top. Its definitely not your typical crappy hersheys chocolate because it doesn't have the nasty after taste. The bottom layer chocolate was milk but the texture is like a very thin crunch bar.

(a better picture)


Its hard to describe the taste for this one but I like it.

(drunken cherry)

I like the brightness of the color and it did taste quite good.


I didn't like this macaroon too much because it kinda had a hint of licorice. I don't like the tastes of licorice.

This is another good one. It had a hint of blueberry which was not overwhelming and the color was pretty.

(strawberry basil)

This one I would say is my favorite in this time. I really liked it because in the buttercream there was actual pieces of basil! I didn't taste much strawberry in it because it was good.

Sadly I think i forgot to take a picture of the dark chocolate one oops... That was good one too. I'm trying to finish this post quickly because I won't have much time these next few week because of finals.

For my mom's birthday I bought her this lovely thing also from the french patisserie. It looked so cute and had flowers in it. I'm not sure what this is but i think it's something with pistachios.

I'll have to go now and I promise to post more once I'm done with finals.

Have a lovely day!



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