Saturday, February 22, 2014

Well.. that was awkward


I love this week. It has been very relaxing~ Yesterday I received this special package above. I got it because I won the leadership through service award. Yay congrats to me.

Yesterday was another sister luncheon day. I got the bbq pulled chicken.

Oh the explanation for the last post. A few days ago I received a email from a sorority sister about meeting up in person. I met up with her during luncheon yesterday. She wanted me to remove the picture that I had with a girl in my business frat who i also though was in our sorority. So apparently that girl is no longer a member. She failed to maintain the requirements as a member and made no attempts to do so. It wasn't something sudden it happened for awhile. My sorority sister did not want our letters associated with her. The thing is that girl face booked me a few weeks ago saying that we were in the same sorority. Thats awkward that she still thinks she's in the sorority even though she's not. So that is the reason I took down the pic.

Later today I will go out to eat with my floor mates~

Have a lovely day!




  1. Lovely~ made me hungry haha XD

    恵美より ♥

    1. Thanks there's nothing more interesting in my life than food~

    2. ^^ Haha so true, food makes happiness :3
