Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to take a screenshot on a mac

Hey guys,

I pretty sure many of us use an apple product. I got my macbook pro last august and still I don't know many feature. From my sister I did learn how to screen shot things which is a pretty useful tool. Its actually pretty simple.

You just need to press "command" + "shift" + "4" simultaneously.

Your cursor should turn into something like this.

Left click while moving the cursor to the desired area. When you let go it should look something like this.

Voila! The thing i really like about this feature on the mac more than on windows is that on the mac you can choose which how much you want to screenshot. You don't have to screenshot the entire thing like I did above in the example. There is no need for cropping anymore.

See you can screenshot just a little corner if you like.

Thanks for reading and have a wonder day~



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