Monday, February 17, 2014

A Weekend Home And Now I'm Back


I hope your weekend went well. I just back yesterday from home. I'm feeling nauseous today. My roommate is feeling sick and threw up yesterday. I suspect its the cafeteria food but I don't know. Anyway the picture above is one of my close floor mates and I. Our RA had a program talking about healthy relationships. We had a guest speaker too. He let us play with these STD/STI plushies. She's holding chlamydia while I'm holding gonorrhea. Haha aren't we cute.

Last friday I went to the eat lunch with my sorority sisters again. They had this chicken strips with waffles. Hmmm it was so good and the winter Olympics was also playing on tv. 

This is the sweater that my momma bought me. So warm~

Lastly I bought these black wedges so I can wear them for my induction ceremonies~

Gotta study~




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