Saturday, February 8, 2014

My Day Yesterday


So these past weeks have been so busy for me. Yesterday was quite a busy day for me. Between classes I had lunch with my sorority sisters. I got a chicken quesadilla through the recommendations of one of my sorority sisters who had worked at this place before. It was good but I got so full from it. I really liked being able to just chill and get to know my sorority sisters a little better.

(Chicken quesadilla)

I had received an email earlier from the accounting department about celebrating the chinese new year. Chinese new year was last weekend and I don't know why we are celebrating it now. It was so awkward because most people were older than I was and I didn't know anyone. There was no diversity there most of them were chinese international student. I had some food so it was ok.

(chicken fried rice, pork bun, dumplings)

I finished rushing for my business fraternity. We went to eat at a Italian place which was really nice. I was nicer that they treat us to dinner though I would have prefered to eat spaghetti than pizza. I am trying to be healthier this semester. Then we went to a nearby bakery which is very popular around here. Of course I got some dessert to go.

(the assorted goods available)

Look at all the delicious dessert. It became so hard for me to choose. 

(little cheesecake)
The pretty little cheesecake before it got smushed on the way back.

Afterwards I walked back with some Chinese girls probably international student back to our dorms. They were so nice. One of them offered to hold my desserts I bought since I didn't have gloves. So nice~ Then as we were walking back one of the girls found a twenty dollar bill on the ground so lucky!

Overall I had a really good day. Thought it was extremely cold brrrr! Today i'm going to the museum with my sorority sisters yay! Then i need to study since I have 4 tests and 2 quizzes next week.

Hasta luego,


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