Friday, January 22, 2016

Real Talk: Scammer Joe

Hi all,

Today I'm going to tell you a real life story that happened to me recently. I have been back to classes for this past week. As most college students I have to buy expensive and thick textbooks. At this point I have ordered most of textbooks. For my business law class on the syllabus it said that I needed textbook. A kid that had taken this class last year named Joe (I will refer to him as Scammer Joe through the rest of the post) offered to sell me his textbook.

A little background on Scammer Joe:

I met him a year ago when we took two classes together and I ended up near him in the smaller class. I was the initiated the conversation and introduced myself. Joe was decent looking but had an oddly low voice. He was a BME major but discovered during his sophomore year that it was too difficult for him and switched to be an accounting major. I have always been really nice and tried to talk to him on various occasions as he can be very shy.

The other day Scammer Joe sent me a email and said that he still had his textbook. He said he would meet me in the business building to get the book. Then I met him and he showed the book to me. The Scammer Joe had an older edition of the book. He claimed that I can still use the book as he did and he said that he had received an "A" for the class. When I asked him how much I owed him he said $50. I said ok and that I would give him the money the next time. Before I left he told me to not flake at him.

Later I went and searched how much his edition of the book cost as well as the newer edition.

Scammer Joe's twelfth edition on amazon:
  • buy new: $65.98
  • buy old: $9.98
  • rent: $18.49

The newer thirteenth edition on amazon.
  • buy new: $169.99
  • buy old: $150.15
  • rent $34.47 
As you can see Scammer Joe tried to make about $40 off of me when I can get the book on amazon for way less. The newer version is even cheaper to rent than the price he's offering me. Do he think I'm stupid and don't know how to use the internet? 

I sent him an email explaining that I will not be buying his book and will return his book back to him the next time I see him. I thought he was good person but it was my misjudgment of character. 

Have a great day!



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