Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Story: Sacrifice


In my free time i like to write bits and pieces of a story I guess. I mainly write to practice my writing so not much plot, beginning, or ending. I wrote this piece thinking about how much people will do for the one the love. Sacrifice is just the part of the deal. You can skip this post if you want since it's all going to be just writing. I think I was started writing this near the beginning of fall last year.

He was still holding the rock mid air when he found out what has happened. I let go of his arm. A pool of blood has started to gather around the lifeless body. He didn't mean to but what is done is already done. Once I regained my senses I called the police. I sat on the floor with my head against the wall. He sat beside me. He was expressionless. I put my hand gently on his arm.

“Leave. Leave before the police comes,” I told him.

That finally broke his train of thought. He looked at me incredulously and came to his senses.

“No,” he shook his head.” I can’t do it. I killed him. You didn't.”

I put both of my hands on his face while looking straight in his eyes. He was the person that I loved the most in the world. 

“If you stay,” I started to explain.” They will continue investigation this situation and find out about everything. You’ll be kicked out of med school. If I say that I did it, it would only just be murder because of self-defense. I’m not as passionate and as good as you in med school anyway. You’re going to be a great doctor in the future don’t let this hinder you ok?”

He started to get up from the floor. I could hear the sirens in the distance.

“Go, now!” I shouted at him.

He picked up his pace and sprinted out without looking back. I picked up the bloody rock and sat back down on the floor. I waited.

That is all. Hope you liked it and have a fabulous day!



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