Monday, June 22, 2015

Conference Time and Other Things


A couple of days ago I had a dream that I was at a convention. I do dream frequently but most of the time I forgot about it by the the next morning. All I could remember about this dream convention was that I was eating at a lunch buffet during break. This leading up to main part of today's post which is the conference I went to today. My sister had already planned to go to this conference and she told me about then registered me to accompany her which was fine with me. The event today is called the 7th Ohio Asian American Health Conference at the Global Center for Health Innovation. The venue is very new and has the modern feel which I liked. 

Here is where we waited for the conference to start. Since I had to wake up at 7am and we didn't have time to get starbucks I was a bit tired. Thankfully they provided us with some tea and coffee. My tea tasted very sour then I remembered than I had added a slice of lemon.

The first speaker was Dr. Kwon who talked about her studies researching mostly tobacco usage in NYC with asian american population and talking about the health disparities within different cultures. I liked her outfit choice. She brings up a good point that one solution does not fit all and would like to see more future policy changes.

I wanted to post this picture because of the structure diagram. I had taken an organization behavior course last semester that discussed the three main topics: power, structure, and culture with an org.

They provided our lunches in these cute boxes. After lunch we had the opportunity to explore the center by our selves and they even provided us with maps. 

I am obsessed with this picture because I absolutely love interior decor. I appreciate good furniture. Even though i couldn't get a picture of everything the venue really had beautifully structured chairs and even thought the tables were plain the different height brought out the uniqueness of the chair and couches.

This was such a muscular mannequin.

Oh I just loved a good conference room.

I think this is a meeting space or somethings like that. I liked their cute glass decor that is spread all over this area.

The was a town hall meeting afterwards but we couldn't attend due to time. I also got a pedometer from the conference which I'm excited to use!

I don't think I mentioned this before but I started watching Thai dramas since the end of last year. When I like something I start to get a little obsessive with it when instagram doesn't help. In Thailand instagram is big even featuring it in dramas. I follow one of my favorite actresses, Kimberley (Kim) Anne Tiamsiri on it. She is half-Thai and half-German. Kim is very popular in Thai within these recent years. I've watched her dramas and I liked her acting.

I bought a drawing book at the craft store recently and decided to draw her. There's no face nor feet because I can't draw very well.

My favorite disney princess will always be Princess Aurora. I found this black and white printout of her and decided to draw her again. I drew her on an acrylic canvas and plan to paint her.

I found this cute picture of this kitten. 

Just a little thought of the day:

It's ok to be upset and it's ok to be disappointed. We all have our bright moments and down ones. The most important thing is to not get into a slump. Be strong and get back on your feet. Always remember that the best is yet to come. If you hang on a bit more I'm sure good things will come to your way. 



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