Friday, July 25, 2014

I Workout

"Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing." 
~ William A. Ward


As I mentioned in previous posts I have been working out with my gym membership. I just going to document my progress so far. I've been working out for a little more than a month. 

My workout routine is
-pre-workout stretching
-30min cardio: 15min treadmill(usually fast walking with high incline) & 15min elliptical 
I usually have a goal of burning around 200 calories through cardio
-after workout stretching including little bit of core 
-go to various workout machines usually aim at the ab muscles including 50 sit-ups when possible

My diet has not change much. I tend to avoid very greasy and fried foods. Try to not eat sweet things near night time. I've introduced fruit smoothies to my diet. 

I might make a smoothie post later if you're interested in finding out what's in mine. Smoothies are delicious!

 I still weigh around 130lbs with little fluctuation. I do feel like my stomach area has tighten a bit and so has my legs. My upper arms are starting to get muscles too. My energy has increase a bit I guess. I definitely feel better about myself. It was definitely difficult at first to get myself to go to the gym but once I'm there I go for a good workout. I enjoy know and I'm really glad I got a gym pass. 

I will be back in school in about a month. So hopefully I don't gain too much pounds. 

I hope you have a good day and thanks for reading!



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