Wednesday, May 20, 2015



I was super excited to be invited to a summit. It was located at their tower in downtown. The summit started on early Thursday and ended around 5pm on Friday. It was a nice break from classes. After a day of presentations and hearing various speakers they treated us to dinner at Chinato's. 

Instead of salad I decided to get the tomato soup. Thank goodness I did because many people didn't like the salad. 

I got this chicken breast as the main entree. It was super good and the sauce was excellent. 

For dessert i got the chocolate mousse cake. Though I'm not a big chocolate fan this lovely dessert was good.

I got to stay at a hotel for the night.  The interior of the hotel near the entrance was really nice. There was a sitting area and also a beautiful fountain. I loved having more own room and it was so peace and quiet. The bed was a queen size which was so big and lovely. The tv was at a really awkward place and the lighting was really bad that's why my picture turned out so dark.The location was really close to the tower but the people near it looked pretty shady. 

They have this little amenities in the bathroom. I really liked that they used the Aveda brand. 

Favorite thing about hotel? I would have to say plenty of towels!

All the goodies I got that day. So much chocolate :D Despite having to wake up early staying at the hotel gave me a good night of sleep.

We had to plan and present a case study the next day so this is the result after all our hardwork. We didn't end up winning but got second place.

After the summit they gave us each a bluetooth speaker.

Overall the summit was awesome and I hope to be able to intern with them in the future.

Have a great day!



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