Tuesday, March 18, 2014

French Macaroons


Today I got some free french macaroons :) Thanks to my school. The flavors were lavender, pistachio, and chocolate. They were delicious! I wished I could have made them myself. They are super sweet so after eating the three of them I was like done. I also got a free mug too~

This lavender flavor macaroon was my favorite. It just had a hit of lavender but not too much no too little. Even though it's kinda plain looking the color is very nice.

This is the pistachio macaroon. True to its name it does in fact taste like pistachios. I like it but I'm not too big fan of pistachios. I like how they did sprinkle some pistachios on the top.

This last one is the chocolate macaroon. Too bad that I'm not a huge chocolate fan. Sorry to say it was my least favorite out of the three. 

I checked the patisserie and it was actually pretty close to my dorm. I didn't know the location until now. These macaroons sell for about $1.25 each in store. Ah pretty expensive~ They were overall delicious!

A little update on my life/day:
  • still busy with plenty of homework today
  • went to a meeting got a free tote bag
  • went to a smoothie place and got myself a smoothie
  • visited the patisserie though i only got 1 thing, will blog about it later
  • totally did not do well on my math quiz
  • going to hate my life next week because of all the tests
  • have to go to network event tomorrow (possibly wearing my new prof. skirt)
  • have to go to three new member meetings this week
  • surprising I have to go to work on friday

Have a great day!



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