Wednesday, January 15, 2014

First Week~

(Ted and Me)


The first week of school has been going by swiftly. My classes are ok. I do like them but I found out that the co-worker that I highly dislike is in one of my classes :( whatever... My friend told me that she bought herself a teddy bear as her own christmas present and that teddy bear turned out to be TED. I thought that was pretty funny since she's never watched Ted before and also Ted speaks when you squeeze his arm. It is very soft though.

My friend also went to Korea and got me somethings. Above there are some masks, drink mixes, and a Innisfree lip tint.

On monday people where passing out gloves and hats on campus which is totally awesome!

My sister let me borrow her new Things Remembered little jewelry box. I really liked the design on it.

(This is what it looks in the inside)

I mostly use it to store my earrings.

(California Roll)

Our college has this kind of a bag lunch thing where we can use our meal swipes. Today they had sushi which is pretty cool. There were 3 kinds: californian roll, vegetarian, and spicy tuna. Of course I picked up the Cali roll. It was pretty good except for some reason the wasabi got everywhere. Ah it was spicy~

(PINK mini duffle bag)

Before I had to spend all my money on textbooks, I bought this mini duffle bag online at PINK. In person it is super bright. I bought it because I wanted a small bag that I can bring when I go home.

Yesterday I did insanity with my floor mates. I probably gave up half way but it was really fun. Surprisingly  I didn't feel sore yay.

I don't know if I can update as often as I did. I will try.

Have a great day!



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