Saturday, July 20, 2013

Story Time: A Dream

I was going to post this earlier but i accidentally deleted it. So here it is now.

While some people like to read I like to write. Writing and writing filling notebook pages. I like to write stories though they may not have a beginning nor end.
A cold breezy day it was. All the leaves had already fallen off the trees. The city seems to be preparing itself for winter. Tiffany and Leonardo strolled down the streets. Her arm was around his. They were shopping around the city. She always like walking in the city since she was a little girl. She looked Leo and thought to herself how lucky she was being able to get married to him in the spring. Not only was he very handsome, Leo also exhibit a sense of self-confident. She wouldn't be as happy with anyone else but him. Now they are heading toward their favorite coffee shop. Tiffany had always loved the coffee there and discovered that Leo also liked that place as much as she did. Upon almost walking near the entrance she encounter Daniel. He had messy hair and an unshaven face. Although his clothes were designer it was just merely wore presentable.

"Daniel, what a surprise seeing you here," she says. "I'm guessing that the reason you're here isn't to see me right?"
"You do know me the best, Tiffany" Daniel replies, looking at Leo, "I'm here to have a word with Leonardo."
Leo reflects no visible reaction.
"Tiffany, could go ahead and buy the coffee?" He said to her kindly.
"Of course, I'll gladly go" she lets go of his arm and enters the coffee shop.
Once Tiffany leaves Leo tells Daniel to talk.
"I know you're gloating on my laughable state right now," said Daniel, "I here to ask you how you manage to take Tiffany away from me. I'm sure its not simple because you knew her since her childhood days."
Leo looks at him and calmly replies: "I do pity you but you are very clever person. Shall I let you in a secret? Tiffany assumed that I was her childhood friend because I mention the daycare that she had attended in her youth. I never said I was that boy. In fact I've never met her in my childhood."
With wide eyes Daniel was very surprised.
"By telling me this don't you think that I'll tell Tiffany."
"Go ahead if you must. Lets see if she believes you or me but I'm sure I won't be the loser. You are a very well liar but sadly she knows this too."
Daniel was complete lost for words and didn't respond.
"I'll share with you another thing," continued Leo, "The only reason for the two to split was because you never really trusted her. In fact you don't trust anyone. Tiffany knew you didn't completely trust her. If it weren't for my arrival I'm sure she would have stayed with you. My appearance in her life really let her see how reserved you were really around her. Your ambition got to your head. People like you will usually end up forever alone."
Tiffany arrives back with the coffee.
"Done yet?" ask Tiffany.
Leo takes the coffee with one hand and holds her hand with the other. 
"We're just done," he tells her, "Lets go."
She looks at him curiously but doesn't ask him anything.
"See you around, Daniel" she tells him.
Tiffany and Leo turns around.
"I missed you. Is there anything I can do to get you to come back?" shouted Daniel to Tiffany.
She stops but does not turn back. Her head turns slightly but does not look at him. She replies: "Are willing to give your career for me?... Even if you don't tell me I already know the answer. I realized that I'll be as important as your work. Being together will just bring us misery. I never look back and I think you should do that too. Goodbye."
Daniel watched as Tiffany and Leo walked down that street slowly disappearing in the distance. She was right. There was no one else in the world who understood him more than her. A long time ago he thought he was the main character and that everything was in his control. This was a good dream but its time to wake up and come back to reality. Reality is that he is no one special; just another face in the crowd. 
I wanted everything but in the end I got nothing he thought to himself.


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