Sunday, July 14, 2013

Restaurant Don'ts

Hello QTs,

Been trying to write some posts but haven't finished them yet so here's another filler post. As a restaurant employee I'm here to share with you some things that you should not do in a restaurant. Some things may not apply to every restaurant. 

1. Don't try to leave without tipping (unless you got bad service). This is extremely rude thing to do & you deprive the earnings the server deserves. Please remember that the tip is given to your waitress not the restaurant. Therefore the amount your tip should not reflect the food in the restaurant but the server's service to you.

2. Don't wait until you finish every bit of your entire meal & complain to your server about the food then refuse to pay. If a problem arises with your food immediately tell your waitress. He/she will gladly exchange the meal or fix the problem. If you wait until the end of the meal you'll just seem like a Scrooge trying to smooch off food off the restaurant. 

3. Refrain from ordering food 15 mins from closing. Although the restaurant has a stated closing time about 15 mins before hand is used for cleaning & putting away things. The employees will not like it you probably won't get good service. Remember if you don't leave the employees of the restaurant can't leave either.

4. Don't wait. If you do not want a certain ingredient in your meal tell your server immediately. Do not wait until the meal is done & set on your table. In many cases your meal has will need to be totally remade & your original meal will get thrown out. You are just being a food waster. The only exception is if you are allergic to that food.

5. Try not to order water without drinking a single. That water will not be reused & cup will need to be washed. You will become a water waster.

6. Children are always welcome. It is expected for kids to be messy. Try not let your kids throw the food all over the ground. If the table is dirty it will be cleaned immediately after you are done. If the food is on the ground it cannot be cleaned up as fast. It becomes inconvenient for the next customer. This is a restaurant not your house.

Well that it for today. I know that most of the things on the list you know already. Everything I wrote down here is based off true events based on where I worked at. Don't think that all customers I had encounter are like that. There are some good people whose stories I may share on a later post until then good day. 


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