Monday, July 8, 2013

Going to College...

Finally put out my college post. 

I am currently enrolled  in a 4-year private university. My planned major is political science as I intend to be a lawyer someday. Although I unable to talk about the college experience yet but I'll share with you the process of how I end up at this college and also some tips. This is all based on my personal experience. 

I started applying for colleges the summer before senior year. I applied to five colleges because a person indeed does need back ups. It is recommended that a person apply for an top/ivy league school, usually very selective & difficult to get in ( < 20% acceptance rate), middle level schools (about 50% acceptance rate), and low level (school you'll definitely get in). Start sending in your sat & act scores to the schools. Make sure to send in your sat subj test scores too if needed.

 The common application is a pretty awesome thing ever invented. I mean one app for majority of colleges awesome! Do note that there are colleges who don't use this so be sure to check the website of your college choice. You can begin using the common app after Aug 1. 

Create your own personal resume listing all the activities and community services. That is for your teacher for them write your recommendation. I had 3 different teachers write recommendations. Most schools only require 2 but usually those teachers are not writing a recommendation only for you so ask the teacher at least a month in advance. If the teacher has not written your recommendation after 2 weeks check up on them. That's why I had 3 teachers write mine. It is better to have more than not enough. 

 For some colleges decided whether you're going to do early decision, early action, or regular decision. I do not recommend doing early decision since it's binding unless you are certain that you want to attend that college. Check the deadlines too.

You got apply for top & hard to get in colleges early because some school do require an interview. You do not need to go that school as usually you will be interview with an alumni of the school. They basically ask you things that would be on your college resume like extra curricular activities. Be sure to know your goals too.

Be sure to have enough time to write your essays. Most schools do require this. For the common app I think it was 2 essays 1 about an impact of an extracurricular activity & the other was choosing for a list of topics. Some schools may require more in the supplements section. I think I Uchicago requires  the most essays so I didn't apply.

For a prestigious school that did not use the common app I wrote 3 different essays. I had to submit a photo & resume.

The national deadline for early decision/action is nov 1 (because of hurricane sandy the deadline got pushed back a week last year). You will get to know the results around mid December. That's when you get to know if you got in or not. At that time I got accepted in 1 college & rejected the other. I finished applying to the other schools by jan. 

If you got in a school you can start applying for financial aid when fafsa website allows you to. The school I got into need me to complete the CSS profile( which is like a detailed fafsa). The CSS cost money while fafsa is free.

Wait until you know how much financial aid you get. Visit the school maybe one last time. Make your decision by may 1 the national deadline. I was conflicted between two schools but in end I chided the one that I knew in my heart I wanted to go. For schools you got accepted but decide not attend fill out the decline of acceptance form if they have one or shoot their admission office an email. 

Good luck with you journey & I hope you get to go to the college you wish to attend. 

- 小美 

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