Sunday, March 15, 2015

Spring Break

(Us with our frap as soon as we got to Columbus)
Hi friends!

This spring break I had plans to go to NYC for school trip but they sold out of the tickets :( Two of my sutiemates decided that we should head down to Columbus to visit another floormate as well as shop at the Polaris Mall. 

(Arrived at friend's house)

My friend was awesome and treat us to lunch at her house. Her house was really pretty with all the wall covered in different paint colors.

Her mom made us Indian food and I loved to eat the naan.

(donuts and hot chocolate for me)

We made a quick stop at Tim Horton's before heading home.

(ham, cheese, egg sandwich and b-power smoothie to start the day)

The next day I met up with my friends at panera. I went to some craft stores and the mall with friends. We had to get some crafting supplies.

(chicken teriyaki)

I liked to eat food court food so chicken teriyaki it is!

(tiramisu latte and choco chip frap with sis)

Spring break was fun and now it's time to head back to school!



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