Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas, New Years lalala~

(My love Gloria jeans coffee)

Christmas has just passed and now it's time for new year. This winter break has given me more time. There is no study or doing homework. Quite nice. 

(Hung out briefly with my lovely friends)

These days have been filled being home or work. It was really busy on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Ah how long it has that I have always worked on Christmas Eve and Christmas. I worked at my parents restaurant by the way. Fun fact: most Chinese places open on Christmas. Business hasn't been well this past year so I was surprised that we were actually busy. I complain a lot. I've always complained about working at the restaurant but it's my motivation to do well. Every time I don't want to study, I remind myself how life would surely be miserable if I had to work at the restaurant forever.

Though I do get presents I didn't get the Christmas spirit in me. This year I got plenty of scarfs haha. I love it. I'm very tempted to spend my Christmas money but I have to remind myself that I need to save money for books for next semester.

(Masks I bought from sasa weeks ago)

I keep feeling this sense of uneasiness maybe it's due to the cold. Well my house is always freezing. It'll would be nice to live somewhere that's actually warm. Ah the snow is making so many places close. It is legit freezing outside. Can't wait to be back at school. 

I hope to be more grateful. I dream to be a better person. 

(Red velvet cake at giant eagle, me want)



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