Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Story: Memories Part 1


This is some part of some story I'm writing. I just wrote this on my phone so excuse the errors. I just like to write and write. Like I always say in my writings there's no beginning or end. This story is going to be a memory loss story. This scene is about main lead Anna talking to doctor Sebastian. He likes her since way back in high school. They discuss about Dominic who is Anna's boyfriend. Dom gets into an accident and losses his memory. Well of course Seb has to be Dom's doctor. Thoroughly the schemes of Sebastian's adoptive sister Angelica, Dom is in a relationship with Angelica. He also believes that Angelica's son is his. When Anna finds out their newly developed relationship she sees how happy he is and is unable to tell him the truth...

"Ah I didn't know I had that impression on you." Anna continues. "I have an older sister and an older brother both successful. If I can get along with my siblings then I can get along with anyone. Also there's sibling rivalry. I can do just as well as they could. Did you know that it was only the third week I've known Dom when I transferred? Because my stepmother is the cousin of Dom's father I got to attend an event held by the company of Dom's father.  Networking and connections can get you to many places. I only briefly spoke to Dom at the event. The next time I met him was at a charity ball. At that ball I was the only girl he asked to dance with. I'm surprised that he even chose me. I thought I was very lucky. With his family's wealth and power he could've been with any girl. It was later until I found the reason. He only chose me because he likes my older sister. It's disappointing and our one and only fight was about that. I was easily accepted into the elite group because I understand them and they understood me. I never ate any of the cookies you gave me back then. I'm severely allergic to peanuts. That is why Dom always threw them away. Even though we weren't deeply in love, he's very considerate and careful person. I really liked him but I don't know how he feels. Something as simple as my allergies you don't know. You never understood me. I'm glad that you become a very successful doctor but even if I never met Dom I would've been with you. I don't think we're suitable for each other." 

"So you're not going to tell him his past?" Sebastian asks her.
She looked at her coffee. 
"No." She said firmly. "When I saw him after the accident he looked so happy. I've never seen him so relax and carefree before. Why break him from his safe bubble? I did tell him there's a micro SD card somewhere that will jolt his memory. Even I don't know where it is. I told him that his past is filled with sorrow and unhappiness. In past he's always stressed and on the edge. Coming back and returning means losing the happiness he has now. Of course the decision is his. Then I meet your sister. Even if I don't know where the SD card is, I do know what it is in but I didn't tell Dom that. That item is a pen. It's a navy blue pen that I gave him. I told her that if she ever find it don't let Dom know. Because I like to journal I got Dom to journal his days too. The card has all the daily journals he ever wrote. So now it's up to fate and himself yo determine if he'll have his memory back."
Will Dom ever get his memory back? What are Angelica’s motives? Will Dom and Anna ever get back together?

I hope you like the story so far. I’m on a roll on posting :)

Thanks for reading,


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