Friday, January 17, 2014

Quick Post



Finally done with the first week. Ah~ I do like my classes this semester. Nothing fun is going on right now. There's a bit flurry here and there. I'm upset that I totally forgot to go the community service fair that happened today. Overall my day was nice. That is all. This is just a quick post.

Hope your day went well!



Wednesday, January 15, 2014

First Week~

(Ted and Me)


The first week of school has been going by swiftly. My classes are ok. I do like them but I found out that the co-worker that I highly dislike is in one of my classes :( whatever... My friend told me that she bought herself a teddy bear as her own christmas present and that teddy bear turned out to be TED. I thought that was pretty funny since she's never watched Ted before and also Ted speaks when you squeeze his arm. It is very soft though.

My friend also went to Korea and got me somethings. Above there are some masks, drink mixes, and a Innisfree lip tint.

On monday people where passing out gloves and hats on campus which is totally awesome!

My sister let me borrow her new Things Remembered little jewelry box. I really liked the design on it.

(This is what it looks in the inside)

I mostly use it to store my earrings.

(California Roll)

Our college has this kind of a bag lunch thing where we can use our meal swipes. Today they had sushi which is pretty cool. There were 3 kinds: californian roll, vegetarian, and spicy tuna. Of course I picked up the Cali roll. It was pretty good except for some reason the wasabi got everywhere. Ah it was spicy~

(PINK mini duffle bag)

Before I had to spend all my money on textbooks, I bought this mini duffle bag online at PINK. In person it is super bright. I bought it because I wanted a small bag that I can bring when I go home.

Yesterday I did insanity with my floor mates. I probably gave up half way but it was really fun. Surprisingly  I didn't feel sore yay.

I don't know if I can update as often as I did. I will try.

Have a great day!



Sunday, January 12, 2014

Spring Semester


I got back to my dorm this morning. This morning while walking to bookstore with my friend I happen to see this squirrel. I got so close it and yet it didn't run away. The squirrel was so cute.

Books are so expensive. My math textbook in the bookstore costed around $200. So of course I wouldn't buy it there. Instead I bought the textbook on amazon which cost me less than $100. Today I finally bought all my textbooks. The grand total is $433.11. All that money I could've bought many things.

Classes start to tomorrow ah~

Have a good day!



Thursday, January 9, 2014




This is my dinner today. This dish is consist of plain white rice on the bottom. There is choy and chicken. There are some sweet peas. The ribs are homemade. 

Have a good day!





I was going to put a outfit of the day on my previous post but I forgot so here it is.

Sweater: Gabriel brothers
Back infinity scarf: New York & Co.

 Outfit of the Day~

Here's another pic in another view. You can see my fuzzy socks ha! XD

Thanks for reading,


Afternoon with Friends

(I bought myself some treats)

This afternoon I got to hang out with my lovely friends. I did take some food pics yay!

(banella: banana and nutella crepe)

This was so good. I only went to this crepe place a couple of times. As usual I was the last one to arrive hehe. Even though the place was small its so cute. Then afterwards we went to a coffee place called Arabica. (Sorry no pics) I wanted to try their special almond milk latte but they ran out of almond milk :(. So instead I got the vanilla latte with soy milk. I like because it tastes sweet. In the past I have tried that vanilla latte before but it wasn't so sweet. Next time I will definitely try the vanilla latte with soy milk again. We mostly talk about college things and our classes and what not. Afterwards I went to Babycakes, a local cupcake specialty store. So as you can guess I got some delicious cupcakes togo. 

(two lovely cupcakes in a box)

As you may guess the box in the beginning of my post contained cupcakes. Last time when I hung out with friends in the area I didn't have the chance to buy cupcakes. This time I had to get some.

(raspberry almond cupcake)

The cupcake above is the beautiful raspberry almond cupcake. I wanted to try something new than the regular vanilla or chocolate flavored ones. Plus the icing was purple. 

(cookie dough cupcake)

This lovely cupcake above is the cookie dough cupcake. The base also has some chocolate chips. I gave this to my brother who always critiques the food I buy. He thought that the little cookie would be little the typical generic hard chocolate chip cookie but it was surprisingly soft. The base was not dry because when cupcakes are over baked the base can lose a lot of moisture. Overall though he said cookie was ok. 

Thanks for reading and have a great day!



Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Story: Memories Part 1


This is some part of some story I'm writing. I just wrote this on my phone so excuse the errors. I just like to write and write. Like I always say in my writings there's no beginning or end. This story is going to be a memory loss story. This scene is about main lead Anna talking to doctor Sebastian. He likes her since way back in high school. They discuss about Dominic who is Anna's boyfriend. Dom gets into an accident and losses his memory. Well of course Seb has to be Dom's doctor. Thoroughly the schemes of Sebastian's adoptive sister Angelica, Dom is in a relationship with Angelica. He also believes that Angelica's son is his. When Anna finds out their newly developed relationship she sees how happy he is and is unable to tell him the truth...

"Ah I didn't know I had that impression on you." Anna continues. "I have an older sister and an older brother both successful. If I can get along with my siblings then I can get along with anyone. Also there's sibling rivalry. I can do just as well as they could. Did you know that it was only the third week I've known Dom when I transferred? Because my stepmother is the cousin of Dom's father I got to attend an event held by the company of Dom's father.  Networking and connections can get you to many places. I only briefly spoke to Dom at the event. The next time I met him was at a charity ball. At that ball I was the only girl he asked to dance with. I'm surprised that he even chose me. I thought I was very lucky. With his family's wealth and power he could've been with any girl. It was later until I found the reason. He only chose me because he likes my older sister. It's disappointing and our one and only fight was about that. I was easily accepted into the elite group because I understand them and they understood me. I never ate any of the cookies you gave me back then. I'm severely allergic to peanuts. That is why Dom always threw them away. Even though we weren't deeply in love, he's very considerate and careful person. I really liked him but I don't know how he feels. Something as simple as my allergies you don't know. You never understood me. I'm glad that you become a very successful doctor but even if I never met Dom I would've been with you. I don't think we're suitable for each other." 

"So you're not going to tell him his past?" Sebastian asks her.
She looked at her coffee. 
"No." She said firmly. "When I saw him after the accident he looked so happy. I've never seen him so relax and carefree before. Why break him from his safe bubble? I did tell him there's a micro SD card somewhere that will jolt his memory. Even I don't know where it is. I told him that his past is filled with sorrow and unhappiness. In past he's always stressed and on the edge. Coming back and returning means losing the happiness he has now. Of course the decision is his. Then I meet your sister. Even if I don't know where the SD card is, I do know what it is in but I didn't tell Dom that. That item is a pen. It's a navy blue pen that I gave him. I told her that if she ever find it don't let Dom know. Because I like to journal I got Dom to journal his days too. The card has all the daily journals he ever wrote. So now it's up to fate and himself yo determine if he'll have his memory back."
Will Dom ever get his memory back? What are Angelica’s motives? Will Dom and Anna ever get back together?

I hope you like the story so far. I’m on a roll on posting :)

Thanks for reading,


Shows That I Have Been Watching

(回到愛以前 Deja Vu)
This is one of those cute romance shows. The female lead is way too naive and nice. I like the male lead. He is ok. I fell in love with the theme song. Its always playing in the background. I hope the main leads do end up together. This show is still airing in taiwan. 

 This is abc's Revenge. I'm on the third season right now. This show is so good. Daniel Grayson is very handsome. Emily Thorne/ Amanda Clarke is a good actress. I like this show because it is unpredictable. 


This show has ended and i've watched it a couple of times. This is a funny show. I liked it. It sort of makes fun of women is HK and yet it does show the truth. This show does have some cute couples.

until next time,


New Buys and Things

(scarf got as a christmas present)


I just want make a quick post before I head back to school next week. I was working on parts of short story that I was writing. I kept changing my mind and some parts on wrote on paper and some parts are on my phone. That story, I might post, maybe if I get to typing it up. Nothing interesting is happening yet but I am going to go get some yummy crepes with my friends this week. If I take pictures I will try and post them up. I still to buy textbooks for school. I'm thinking of buying a mini duffle bag and a laundry bag from PINK since they are on sale right now. My review on the website dress link has a quite bit of views. I didn't review my last purchase but I'm thinking of making another purchase then I will make a review. 

 (scarfs from New York & Company)

I received these to scarfs as christmas presents and I am in love with them. They are very well made and makes my neck very warm. 

(cardigan from Gabriel Brothers)

I haven't had the chance to wear this yet. I like it because its actually long enough. A lot of my clothes usually ride up making my waist really cold.

(pj pants also from Gabriel Brothers)

These pants are so fuzzy and I can't want to wear them. I really like the pattern.

(Sephora BB creams)

I got this little set from Sephora a while ago. I like it because I get to try different BB creams. Also they are adjust to your skin tone so you won't look pale white nor deep dark. I dap a little bit on when I feel like. 

That is it and I hope you have a lovely rest of the day!



Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas, New Years lalala~

(My love Gloria jeans coffee)

Christmas has just passed and now it's time for new year. This winter break has given me more time. There is no study or doing homework. Quite nice. 

(Hung out briefly with my lovely friends)

These days have been filled being home or work. It was really busy on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Ah how long it has that I have always worked on Christmas Eve and Christmas. I worked at my parents restaurant by the way. Fun fact: most Chinese places open on Christmas. Business hasn't been well this past year so I was surprised that we were actually busy. I complain a lot. I've always complained about working at the restaurant but it's my motivation to do well. Every time I don't want to study, I remind myself how life would surely be miserable if I had to work at the restaurant forever.

Though I do get presents I didn't get the Christmas spirit in me. This year I got plenty of scarfs haha. I love it. I'm very tempted to spend my Christmas money but I have to remind myself that I need to save money for books for next semester.

(Masks I bought from sasa weeks ago)

I keep feeling this sense of uneasiness maybe it's due to the cold. Well my house is always freezing. It'll would be nice to live somewhere that's actually warm. Ah the snow is making so many places close. It is legit freezing outside. Can't wait to be back at school. 

I hope to be more grateful. I dream to be a better person. 

(Red velvet cake at giant eagle, me want)

