Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Update on Life


I got starbucks a week a ago. It was absolutely perfect. I love the starbucks in my town. I got the new cafe espresso frap, my sis- cookie crumble frap, & mom- dark roast coffee. Seriously though my starbucks is always delicious. I'm starting to get a little starbucks deprived right now.

Since I started to working out I thought it was great idea to get new work gear. I got the above tank and shoes from the nike outlet. Totally in love I love new clothes. I also got new sports bras from another place though. I've been working out for two weeks now. I really like the facility that i'm going to. There is a private women's workout area, cinema screen workout room, and full locker room. 

Last Sunday I went to my aunt's wedding reception. I'm happy to gain another uncle. It was at a chinese restaurant with americanized chinese food. 

This was the lovely wedding cake. I loved that there was fruits on it. Too bad the cake fell down during mid-reception.

Today I met up with one of my best friends to go out for lunch. It nice to able to meet up with her since most of our friends are always so busy. The drink above is the very berry limeade. I think I also got it the last time i was there.

For lunch I got the turkey burger and regular fries. The burger was a bit spicy so not my favorite.

That is all. I hope you are having a great summer so far!



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