Monday, August 26, 2013

College Life

I sit here now waiting for my next class. This past week as been crazy and there had been plenty of things to do. In fact the few days I was so tired that I took at nap in the afternoon missing partial of my floor meeting. Though out the week I have met tons of people. I can honestly say that I was destined for this college life. I love it here. 

Gotta go~



Friday, August 16, 2013

Story: Pursuit Part 1


Sorry for the long wait. I was going to post earlier but it got deleted on my phone so I had to rewrite this. These days I have been just finishing packing and getting things I need. I just want to relax a bit before move in. This another story hence the title. I love writing. Excuse the errors in the story as I did not edit it. Surprisingly I have a quite few Russian viewers so thank you. This story does not have candy though its unrealistic to a certain point. Without further hestitation here it is: 

Everyone knows who Stephen is. A tall athletic guy blessed with good looks therefore very popular with the ladies. He is notorious for not having one but three beautiful girlfriends. That became every guy's envy. Born as the only child and from a well family he virtually have no financial worries. Though a genuinely kind person he is very spoiled and touched with a bit of condescension. Every girl dreams to be one of his girlfriends as he does treat them very well. His main girlfriend is Elsa. She is his first girlfriend. Elsa is a gifted artist and intelligent. She harbors no jealously toward Stephen's other girlfriends as he treats them all seemly the same. In fact Elsa treats the other girls well. The other girls became friends with Elsa after meeting Stephen. Such sweet girl that many guys have attempted to pursue her. The next girl is Kimberley or Kim. Kim is a little tougher than the other girls. A person who is very frank and quite loud sometimes. She and Stephen bonded over their equally love for sports. She rarely lies and definetly a loyal person. Our last girl is shy girl Joanna. A cute girl who can seem really reserved at first but is quite a gossip when known well. She at times may seem like a dumb blonde as well as talented in finding information. Joanna can be considered the little sister of everyone. At one point Stephen did have four girlfriends...
"Hey guys guess what I heard?" Said Joanna excitedly.
Elsa and Kim was with her sitting at the student lounge. The lounge was filled with luxurious couches and chairs along with small wooden tables. The afternoon sunlight shined through the big window making the entire place very bright and warm. Stephen was not with them as he had basketball practice. Elsa placed her cup of coffee down and smiled at her.
"What extraordinary news have you heard this time?" asked Elsa.
"You won't believe it. The new girl looks a lot like Lily." Joanna tells her with wide eyes.
"Are you sure you aren't just seeing Lily's ghost?" said the amused Kim.
"I'm not kidding," insisted Joanna, "I saw her myself. She does look like evil Lily."
Elsa calmly sips her coffee.
"I guess I'll have to check this girl out."

Elsa reapplied her lipgloss in front of the bathroom mirror. A girl rushed in and went to use the bathroom. As Elsa was about to leave she noticed a dropped lipstick. She picked it up and examined it. It wasn't hers so she waited for the other girl.
"Is this lipstick yours?" Asked Elsa.
The girl looked at her.
"Yeah its mine thanks," the girl replies.
"So what they say is true you do look a lot like Lily," Elsa said to her.
The girl looks slightly flustered and said "A lot of people have been giving me weird stares and said that I do look this girl Lily. You're probably the only one who hasn't given me a weird look."
Elsa fixes her hair and replies: "Lily was just another pretty face; there was nothing special about her. She was quite well known in this school. Her popularity stemmed from being one of Stephen's girlfriends. What a spectacular girl being able to steal the heart that had already bestowed upon three others. Stephen is your usual arrogant athlete though he is very good at what he does. He treats his girlfriends fairly well. Out of four girlfriends Stephen cared for Lily the most. He absolutely adored her. It was so devastating for him when she passed away less than six months ago. You being so similar to her might be pursued by him."
The girl scrunched her nose and shook her head.
"I don't think I can ever be with a guy like him, such a playboy." she tells Elsa.
"Ha how funny there was once a girl who said the exact words to me. I wouldn't say never if I were you. Stephen is quite charming and very persuasive. I have a feeling that I'll definetly see around. I'll head out." Elsa tells her.


Of course this story isn't done yet. I do have the story line in my head right now. When I get the chance to write more I will post it up. Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!

