Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Reviews and mini hauls from American Eagle & Deb


These couple of weeks have been pretty busy for me. I had a couple a presentations and projects to work on. Now that I finally have time I will show you some items I got. 

I purchased a pair of sweats and a tank from American Eagle. It came quickly (about a week) and it was nicely packaged. 

red tank

The tank is a really pretty color but I don't really like the cut. It was only about $4 so it was ok.

navy loung pants

These sweats are navy. I absolutely love this pants. I'm really glad that I got a small size and it fit me perfectly. These are my favorite sweats so far. I would recommend though it wasn't on sale when I got it.

The next buys are from Deb and I bought these in store. I did buy it during black friday but I bought it in the after noon.
riding boots, tights, infinity scarf

My boots were half off which is about $22 and then my tights (fleeced) are also half off about $4-$5. I like my boots. They were really nice and very cute. I wanted boots in this color for a long time. If I wear them for a long time my feet starts to hurt. The tights were really warm but I don't like it when I have to adjust it all the time. When I spend over $25 they gave me a free infinity scarf. I picked a pretty grey scarf. It is warm and matches nice with my clothes.

I also had a mask order that came in because I love masks. I will post sometime later.

cute card & delicious chocolates from my friend

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Review: Dresslink.com


A month ago I purchased two items from Dresslink. I bought a floral sleeveless dress with a  collar and a butterfly earrings.

  • Korea Women's Slim Doll Collar Sleeveless Cute One-piece Floral Vest Dress (cat)

  • New Temperament Metal 3 Tiers Butterfly Long Tassel Earring Stud

 It came about two weeks because this website is China based. Shipping can be expensive but you can choose some items that are free shipping (which i did). The dress I got was a China large so definitely get a size larger than usual because China runs on small sizes. The dress did shrink after one wash so definitely get a bigger size. The clothes are designed for petite girls so they may be shorter than what you would think. Also the dress had a brownish line that ran across the back which I didn't mind. The earrings I really liked. They were big and pretty. I really liked that the top of the earring was stud style rather than the usual hook. I got many comments for it. I think the total cost of my order was about $7 which isn't bad. I actually placed another small order this week. I did see that some people had unpleasant experience with dress link but I had no problem.

Thanks for reading,


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Busy Bee


This week is going to be so busy with three tests coming up plus one paper and on top of that 2 project. Ah so much to do~ Since i couldn't blog much here's a pretty collage I made of my my melody mosaic I had made last year :)



Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Buying A Vera Bradley...


Recently I noticed my wallet for my college id and debit was tearing up. I decided that I needed a new id wallet. I need a wallet/ id case that is slim but doesn't look like name tag. I searched online and chose the Vera Bradley zip id case. It was $12 but with tax & shipping it would have cost me about $21. So I looked around and found out that Barnes & Nobles also sells the Vera Bradley zip id case. It was the same selling price but with tax & shipping it costed around $17-$18. B&N does have a deal going on that if you spend a certain amount it's free shipping. I didn't really want to buy anything else. I checked at my local B&N and found the same the Vera Bradley zip id case. There is a really really small selection of Vera Bradley. I bought it there and it costs my only $12.96. YAY!



Monday, October 21, 2013

Yay For Fall Break!

iced passion tea~

Hello friends,

Currently I'm on my fall break. It's nice to be back home for a couple of days. Gotta rewrite my essay and do another composite for another class. I went shopping yesterday with my mom.

 scarf & unicorn sweater: Gabriel Brothers

scarf: Marcs
body spray (pure seduction): VS

The others things I bought are like food and hard warmers. Oh I also bought a pair of black boots. That is all back to typing my essay~



Monday, August 26, 2013

College Life

I sit here now waiting for my next class. This past week as been crazy and there had been plenty of things to do. In fact the few days I was so tired that I took at nap in the afternoon missing partial of my floor meeting. Though out the week I have met tons of people. I can honestly say that I was destined for this college life. I love it here. 

Gotta go~



Friday, August 16, 2013

Story: Pursuit Part 1


Sorry for the long wait. I was going to post earlier but it got deleted on my phone so I had to rewrite this. These days I have been just finishing packing and getting things I need. I just want to relax a bit before move in. This another story hence the title. I love writing. Excuse the errors in the story as I did not edit it. Surprisingly I have a quite few Russian viewers so thank you. This story does not have candy though its unrealistic to a certain point. Without further hestitation here it is: 

Everyone knows who Stephen is. A tall athletic guy blessed with good looks therefore very popular with the ladies. He is notorious for not having one but three beautiful girlfriends. That became every guy's envy. Born as the only child and from a well family he virtually have no financial worries. Though a genuinely kind person he is very spoiled and touched with a bit of condescension. Every girl dreams to be one of his girlfriends as he does treat them very well. His main girlfriend is Elsa. She is his first girlfriend. Elsa is a gifted artist and intelligent. She harbors no jealously toward Stephen's other girlfriends as he treats them all seemly the same. In fact Elsa treats the other girls well. The other girls became friends with Elsa after meeting Stephen. Such sweet girl that many guys have attempted to pursue her. The next girl is Kimberley or Kim. Kim is a little tougher than the other girls. A person who is very frank and quite loud sometimes. She and Stephen bonded over their equally love for sports. She rarely lies and definetly a loyal person. Our last girl is shy girl Joanna. A cute girl who can seem really reserved at first but is quite a gossip when known well. She at times may seem like a dumb blonde as well as talented in finding information. Joanna can be considered the little sister of everyone. At one point Stephen did have four girlfriends...
"Hey guys guess what I heard?" Said Joanna excitedly.
Elsa and Kim was with her sitting at the student lounge. The lounge was filled with luxurious couches and chairs along with small wooden tables. The afternoon sunlight shined through the big window making the entire place very bright and warm. Stephen was not with them as he had basketball practice. Elsa placed her cup of coffee down and smiled at her.
"What extraordinary news have you heard this time?" asked Elsa.
"You won't believe it. The new girl looks a lot like Lily." Joanna tells her with wide eyes.
"Are you sure you aren't just seeing Lily's ghost?" said the amused Kim.
"I'm not kidding," insisted Joanna, "I saw her myself. She does look like evil Lily."
Elsa calmly sips her coffee.
"I guess I'll have to check this girl out."

Elsa reapplied her lipgloss in front of the bathroom mirror. A girl rushed in and went to use the bathroom. As Elsa was about to leave she noticed a dropped lipstick. She picked it up and examined it. It wasn't hers so she waited for the other girl.
"Is this lipstick yours?" Asked Elsa.
The girl looked at her.
"Yeah its mine thanks," the girl replies.
"So what they say is true you do look a lot like Lily," Elsa said to her.
The girl looks slightly flustered and said "A lot of people have been giving me weird stares and said that I do look this girl Lily. You're probably the only one who hasn't given me a weird look."
Elsa fixes her hair and replies: "Lily was just another pretty face; there was nothing special about her. She was quite well known in this school. Her popularity stemmed from being one of Stephen's girlfriends. What a spectacular girl being able to steal the heart that had already bestowed upon three others. Stephen is your usual arrogant athlete though he is very good at what he does. He treats his girlfriends fairly well. Out of four girlfriends Stephen cared for Lily the most. He absolutely adored her. It was so devastating for him when she passed away less than six months ago. You being so similar to her might be pursued by him."
The girl scrunched her nose and shook her head.
"I don't think I can ever be with a guy like him, such a playboy." she tells Elsa.
"Ha how funny there was once a girl who said the exact words to me. I wouldn't say never if I were you. Stephen is quite charming and very persuasive. I have a feeling that I'll definetly see around. I'll head out." Elsa tells her.


Of course this story isn't done yet. I do have the story line in my head right now. When I get the chance to write more I will post it up. Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!



Saturday, July 27, 2013

Back To School Buying A Macbook Pro

Hey lovelies,

Now we about a month away before school starts. Definitely buy yourself a sturdy laptop for use at home or at college. Macs are notorious for their high prices. Prices due reflect quality sometimes. Now its a pretty good time to go back buying. Today I will talk about the Macbook Pro (non-retina) as its the version that I want.

Apple Store

The first place you would usually go to buy a mac is definitely the apple store. Currently there is a deal that if you buy a mac you get a $100 app store gift card. Below is the current pricing for the macbook pro. On site the macbook is now priced at $1,199. If you are eligible for education pricing for is at $999 right now.

Best Buy

 The next place I checked was best buy. They have lowered their macbooks recently. Basically its the same as education pricing on the apple store so definitely recommend if you dont get edu pricing. (Off topic: starting yesterday and ending today the retina macbooks are on sale saving you apparently $200. The cheapest version is $1,299.99) Back to topic if you have an edu email and sign up for the student deals you get an extra $100 off your mac sweet right? That brings the total for a macbook pro to be $899.99. Which is such a deal when you think about it.

Good luck and I hope you get a good deal.


Friday, July 26, 2013

How to Sell Textbooks on Amazon

Recently I just started selling textbooks on amazon. Now I'm going to show you how to do it. Please note that amazon only allows to sell items that is already on their catalog.

1. Every textbook has a unique textbook ISBN number. This is a very useful info when finding your book.
2. Decide whether you want to trade in your book directly to amazon or sell it to other users.

3a. If you decide to trade in your book go to the textbook department and click sell your book. Enter in the ISBN code and find the textbook that you want to trade in. Verify the ISBN code and click confirm. Choose the your package carrier. I just used usps as my carrier. Print the shipping label. Package up your textbook and attach the label. Drop it off at your package carrier and you are done.

3b. If you decide to sell your textbook directly to other users. Make a seller account. Click on the add product. Then find the textbook ISBN code and search for it. Make sure the book is the one you are selling. To check how much click on the used link on the side. I usually price mine pretty low just so it will sell faster. Once someone buys it amazon will contact you via email. You just need to print the shipping info. All the instructions will be on the sheet. Go to your postal service. Buy the postage. Its a good thing to get a tracking number although they do charge you for it. After you ship the product go back to your sellers account. Click the shipped button on your orders page. This will let the buyer know that you have shipped their item. Include the carrier & tracking number if applicable. Then you are done.

Thanks for reading & good luck.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Story Time: A Dream

I was going to post this earlier but i accidentally deleted it. So here it is now.

While some people like to read I like to write. Writing and writing filling notebook pages. I like to write stories though they may not have a beginning nor end.
A cold breezy day it was. All the leaves had already fallen off the trees. The city seems to be preparing itself for winter. Tiffany and Leonardo strolled down the streets. Her arm was around his. They were shopping around the city. She always like walking in the city since she was a little girl. She looked Leo and thought to herself how lucky she was being able to get married to him in the spring. Not only was he very handsome, Leo also exhibit a sense of self-confident. She wouldn't be as happy with anyone else but him. Now they are heading toward their favorite coffee shop. Tiffany had always loved the coffee there and discovered that Leo also liked that place as much as she did. Upon almost walking near the entrance she encounter Daniel. He had messy hair and an unshaven face. Although his clothes were designer it was just merely wore presentable.

"Daniel, what a surprise seeing you here," she says. "I'm guessing that the reason you're here isn't to see me right?"
"You do know me the best, Tiffany" Daniel replies, looking at Leo, "I'm here to have a word with Leonardo."
Leo reflects no visible reaction.
"Tiffany, could go ahead and buy the coffee?" He said to her kindly.
"Of course, I'll gladly go" she lets go of his arm and enters the coffee shop.
Once Tiffany leaves Leo tells Daniel to talk.
"I know you're gloating on my laughable state right now," said Daniel, "I here to ask you how you manage to take Tiffany away from me. I'm sure its not simple because you knew her since her childhood days."
Leo looks at him and calmly replies: "I do pity you but you are very clever person. Shall I let you in a secret? Tiffany assumed that I was her childhood friend because I mention the daycare that she had attended in her youth. I never said I was that boy. In fact I've never met her in my childhood."
With wide eyes Daniel was very surprised.
"By telling me this don't you think that I'll tell Tiffany."
"Go ahead if you must. Lets see if she believes you or me but I'm sure I won't be the loser. You are a very well liar but sadly she knows this too."
Daniel was complete lost for words and didn't respond.
"I'll share with you another thing," continued Leo, "The only reason for the two to split was because you never really trusted her. In fact you don't trust anyone. Tiffany knew you didn't completely trust her. If it weren't for my arrival I'm sure she would have stayed with you. My appearance in her life really let her see how reserved you were really around her. Your ambition got to your head. People like you will usually end up forever alone."
Tiffany arrives back with the coffee.
"Done yet?" ask Tiffany.
Leo takes the coffee with one hand and holds her hand with the other. 
"We're just done," he tells her, "Lets go."
She looks at him curiously but doesn't ask him anything.
"See you around, Daniel" she tells him.
Tiffany and Leo turns around.
"I missed you. Is there anything I can do to get you to come back?" shouted Daniel to Tiffany.
She stops but does not turn back. Her head turns slightly but does not look at him. She replies: "Are willing to give your career for me?... Even if you don't tell me I already know the answer. I realized that I'll be as important as your work. Being together will just bring us misery. I never look back and I think you should do that too. Goodbye."
Daniel watched as Tiffany and Leo walked down that street slowly disappearing in the distance. She was right. There was no one else in the world who understood him more than her. A long time ago he thought he was the main character and that everything was in his control. This was a good dream but its time to wake up and come back to reality. Reality is that he is no one special; just another face in the crowd. 
I wanted everything but in the end I got nothing he thought to himself.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Restaurant Don'ts

Hello QTs,

Been trying to write some posts but haven't finished them yet so here's another filler post. As a restaurant employee I'm here to share with you some things that you should not do in a restaurant. Some things may not apply to every restaurant. 

1. Don't try to leave without tipping (unless you got bad service). This is extremely rude thing to do & you deprive the earnings the server deserves. Please remember that the tip is given to your waitress not the restaurant. Therefore the amount your tip should not reflect the food in the restaurant but the server's service to you.

2. Don't wait until you finish every bit of your entire meal & complain to your server about the food then refuse to pay. If a problem arises with your food immediately tell your waitress. He/she will gladly exchange the meal or fix the problem. If you wait until the end of the meal you'll just seem like a Scrooge trying to smooch off food off the restaurant. 

3. Refrain from ordering food 15 mins from closing. Although the restaurant has a stated closing time about 15 mins before hand is used for cleaning & putting away things. The employees will not like it you probably won't get good service. Remember if you don't leave the employees of the restaurant can't leave either.

4. Don't wait. If you do not want a certain ingredient in your meal tell your server immediately. Do not wait until the meal is done & set on your table. In many cases your meal has will need to be totally remade & your original meal will get thrown out. You are just being a food waster. The only exception is if you are allergic to that food.

5. Try not to order water without drinking a single. That water will not be reused & cup will need to be washed. You will become a water waster.

6. Children are always welcome. It is expected for kids to be messy. Try not let your kids throw the food all over the ground. If the table is dirty it will be cleaned immediately after you are done. If the food is on the ground it cannot be cleaned up as fast. It becomes inconvenient for the next customer. This is a restaurant not your house.

Well that it for today. I know that most of the things on the list you know already. Everything I wrote down here is based off true events based on where I worked at. Don't think that all customers I had encounter are like that. There are some good people whose stories I may share on a later post until then good day. 


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Short Post: New Mani

Hello! This morning I finally did my nails. It's just a simple french manicure though I free handed it so its not very good. 
I used a Sally hensen really white polish. Since I didn't do the tips really well I just painted on a strip of silver to cover up the mess. I hope you have a wonderful day. 

<3 Maybelle

Monday, July 8, 2013

Going to College...

Finally put out my college post. 

I am currently enrolled  in a 4-year private university. My planned major is political science as I intend to be a lawyer someday. Although I unable to talk about the college experience yet but I'll share with you the process of how I end up at this college and also some tips. This is all based on my personal experience. 

I started applying for colleges the summer before senior year. I applied to five colleges because a person indeed does need back ups. It is recommended that a person apply for an top/ivy league school, usually very selective & difficult to get in ( < 20% acceptance rate), middle level schools (about 50% acceptance rate), and low level (school you'll definitely get in). Start sending in your sat & act scores to the schools. Make sure to send in your sat subj test scores too if needed.

 The common application is a pretty awesome thing ever invented. I mean one app for majority of colleges awesome! Do note that there are colleges who don't use this so be sure to check the website of your college choice. You can begin using the common app after Aug 1. 

Create your own personal resume listing all the activities and community services. That is for your teacher for them write your recommendation. I had 3 different teachers write recommendations. Most schools only require 2 but usually those teachers are not writing a recommendation only for you so ask the teacher at least a month in advance. If the teacher has not written your recommendation after 2 weeks check up on them. That's why I had 3 teachers write mine. It is better to have more than not enough. 

 For some colleges decided whether you're going to do early decision, early action, or regular decision. I do not recommend doing early decision since it's binding unless you are certain that you want to attend that college. Check the deadlines too.

You got apply for top & hard to get in colleges early because some school do require an interview. You do not need to go that school as usually you will be interview with an alumni of the school. They basically ask you things that would be on your college resume like extra curricular activities. Be sure to know your goals too.

Be sure to have enough time to write your essays. Most schools do require this. For the common app I think it was 2 essays 1 about an impact of an extracurricular activity & the other was choosing for a list of topics. Some schools may require more in the supplements section. I think I Uchicago requires  the most essays so I didn't apply.

For a prestigious school that did not use the common app I wrote 3 different essays. I had to submit a photo & resume.

The national deadline for early decision/action is nov 1 (because of hurricane sandy the deadline got pushed back a week last year). You will get to know the results around mid December. That's when you get to know if you got in or not. At that time I got accepted in 1 college & rejected the other. I finished applying to the other schools by jan. 

If you got in a school you can start applying for financial aid when fafsa website allows you to. The school I got into need me to complete the CSS profile( which is like a detailed fafsa). The CSS cost money while fafsa is free.

Wait until you know how much financial aid you get. Visit the school maybe one last time. Make your decision by may 1 the national deadline. I was conflicted between two schools but in end I chided the one that I knew in my heart I wanted to go. For schools you got accepted but decide not attend fill out the decline of acceptance form if they have one or shoot their admission office an email. 

Good luck with you journey & I hope you get to go to the college you wish to attend. 

- 小美 

Chinese Restaurant Foods

Hello Cuties,

For the past like 5yrs I have worked at a chinese restaurant. I always get questions regarding what is that entree. So today I'm going to give you a sorta guide on chinese foods that people frequently ask about. Though foods sometimes vary from restaurant to restaurant.

Chicken Chow Mein

This plate of food consist of chicken, mostly beansprouts, some water chestnuts & other veggies. The sauce is a clear white sauce. The restaurant that I have worked at provided crunchy yellow noodles with it.

Chicken Subgum Chow Mein

This dish has of course chicken, celery, peas & carrots, mushrooms & water chestnuts. The sauce is similar to the chicken chow mein. It is topped with almonds.

Crab Ragoon/ Rangoon

The other day someone asked my sis this so I decided to include this in here. The ragoon contains cream cheese, onion, & imitation crab meat. With its pinched shape the ragoon is deep fried. One of my personal favorites as it is certainly delicious.

Moo Goo Gai Pan

I use to think that this dish had such a weird name. Another fellow chicken dish with pea pods, mushrooms, baby corn & bok choy.

Wor Sue Gai

A deep fried chicken entree using chicken breast meat. Laid on top of a bed of lettuce and topped with a brown gravy sauce.

That's it for today as I might make another post about more foods. Thanks for reading :)

All photo credits due to google images

Nail Art

Suppose to be sorts mickey mouse inspired
Hello y'all
I'm starting to write a post about college but that's gonna be long so I just going to make this my first post. I started my love for nail art when I  was a freshman high school. I used to do my nails every week but now I don't have the time so these photos are going to be a bit old. 
french tips and snowman thumb

penguins and flowers

Thumb: panda, index: sushi love, middle: brown bunny, ring: onigiri, pinky: white bunny

 Another similar bunny & flowers

One of my favs coffee & hearts

April,May & bows

first time purple marbling

I hope you like this post. Sorry I don't remember what types of nail polish I used. Tools I used are a small paint brush and dotting tool. Thanks for reading my blog and hopefully I am able to write up the college post soon.