Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Dublin Trip 2017 Part 1 (Book of Kells, Brazen Head, Teelings.....)

(In front of the Christ's Church)

Hello everyone!

I went to Dublin, Ireland on my spring break this year and here's what I did that week. Most of the things I wrote when I was there but I did have to add additional details to some entries. 

At the Detroit airport right now. Super nice there is P.F. Changs, McDonald, Longhorn Steak House, pink berry, pandora, the body shop, sushi place, Mediterranean place, and there is a train inside the airport as well that runs back and forth. The flight to Detroit was short probably only 20 mins. I stayed at the airport for about 4 hours until my layover. Then I flew to from Detroit to Amsterdam.

(my hotel room that I shared with my roommate)

(full kitchen with kitchen utensils and silverware)

(not many filters but found this Dublin filter)

*The airline ended up losing my luggage so I didn't get back my things until a day later. The day that we arrived I went on a walking trip with two girls that I just met. We got lost and had to use one of the girl's phones to navigate back. Later as a group the class went to the oldest pub in Ireland, Brazen Head for dinner.

(appetizer: smoked salmon)

(Dinner: beef stew)

(full Irish breakfast: eggs, bacon, sausage, blood sausage, tomato)

We went Book of Kells in Trinity College. There line was super long but we had fast passes. I ended up buying my dad a hat there and it was pretty inexpensive. Spent most of the day shopping at Carroll's gift shop and Grafton street. Dublin has a lot of gelato shops as well.

(Book of Kells library: spiral staircase)

(Book of Kells Library)

(through the recommendation of the store associate: mango gelato)

We walked to Zero G. The branding company. They talked about tailoring towards locals and being authentic in their brands. We had a lecture in the afternoon on Irish history.

Me and my two friends went to the different gardens and finally went to the canal. We saw Google as we were walking by.

The canal was pretty with shops and eating places. We ended up going to a restaurant place that was kinda empty but quite fancy. The cocktails were 11 euros but really good. I go the berry mojito. The view of the Liffey river was so beautiful at night.

(pretty swans)

(the cafe by the canal: bathroom door decor)

(just some chicken tenders and fries)

(the bridges across the river are so pretty)

(night views)

The place was really far in Northside of Ireland and walked through Griffin Park that had nice river and willows. Started off day early playing Gaelic games. There were three main types: handball, hockey w/ball, and soccer/volleyball game. The first was ok but I'm not good sports and remembered me of racquetball which I don't like. The second was my favorite because I like hitting the ball will the stick. The third game was exhausting and many fouls were done.
(getting our sticks and helmets on)


We had a super short break and didn't have time to eat anything besides cereal. Then we went Teelings distillery tour to see how their beer and whiskey was made. The room was super hot from all the boiling and they three times for smooth taste. Our tour guide talked about taste and color was added through the the wood. Minimum fermented for 6 years.

(inside the distillery)

(the whiskey is distilled three times!)

(the three different types of whiskey available)

After the tour, was a tasting of the small batch (afternoon whiskey) and lemonade cocktail. The whiskey was ok and the cocktail was really good. Then I went gift shop and bought littler bottles of whiskey for my sister.

(To be continued.....)