Monday, July 25, 2016

Internship: Orientation


These past month has been insanely busy for me. I ended finals on the first week of May then soon after I had orientation for my internship and now I'm going to interning for the next 12 weeks.


My orientation took place a Mariott Hotel which was a very nice place. I had a room to myself and as you can see there's even a couch. My dad and brother dropped me off so thats why there's my dad in the picture above.

The fitness center was quite good as well. There was plenty of towel available to wipe off sweat and a scale for weighing. The only downside was that the equipment was a little bit old.

Here is the view from the pool area which can be seen from the fitness room. Like I had said before the hotel had plenty of towels.

There is a little station for coffee and tea like most hotel and that I love to utilize.

A intern who was on his second rotation organized a get together for anyone who wanted to get food at Bdubs. Overall the dinner was good and I got to meet lots of great people!

Have a great rest of the day :D