Sunday, August 2, 2015

Trip Downtown


I just going to do a quick update on my life that I have been procrastinating upon. I have been busy the past week of working at the restaurant for 8hrs+ everyday but I have more time now. 

Me and my siblings went to Applebees last month to enjoy a quick lunch. We saw that their burgers are cheaper on Mondays so maybe I go there again some other time.

This is just of the random mall trips I went with my sister. I love earrings and these are cute ones from Claire's. They aren't that expensive but I don't like how they rust and get nasty easily.

At downtown Cle a cold press store opened so we went to try it out.

The place is very nice with various plants as decor.

Even though they have an extensive menu they only have certain juices available each day.

We got ourselves smoothies and they tasted pretty good!

Moving back to campus on the 15th of next month. I'm not ready to deal with finding a practicum and studying hard but it is what it is. Hopefully I get to post more before I leave.

Thought of the day: Don't stop. Continue to fight for what you want in life.