Monday, July 6, 2015

Review: Gigi Strip Free Honee Hair Removal System


What a lovely day it is! As you know its summer and time to spend more time outside. A common hassle that all girls have is hair removal. I personally have a lot of thick hair. I started to shave when I was in fourth grade. Shaving was easy and painless way to get rid of hair but the hair does grow back quicker and thicker. I've tried to use waxing strips you can find at Target or Marcs but they hurt and weren't effective. They probably pulled more skin than hair. So i decided to get the Gigi Strip Free Honee Hair Removal System waxing kit recommended by a youtuber.

I bought this in-store at Sally's but you can also purchase it at amazon as well. The price on Sally's website is $18.99 which is pretty pricey for wax but cheaper than doing it at a salon.


The kit comes with a pre-wax cleanser, wax remover, post wax concealer, slow growth, applicators, and the wax. I do use the pre-wax cleanser but I don't know if they makes it difference. The wax remover lotion doesn't work at all. I don't even know why the company used a lotion base rather than oil.  The post wax concealer is pretty much just like a regular concealer. I used it once and I don't like it. The slow growth is suppose to help reduce the growth of the hair at the epilated area.

This is the wax that is included in the kit.  The container had a nice little handle which you can use when taking wax out of the microwave. You're suppose microwave it at interval for 15 sec but its tedious so I just microwave it for about 30 sec intervals. Don't over heat it because then it gets too hot and you might burn yourself. You should heat it until it because a caramel-like consistent. When you put it on be sure to put a good amount so the wax can stick to your hair. Don't over do it though but I feel like it not as effective when you pile it on. The wax can get messy so you should probably do it in your bathroom.


The wax works best on thick hair especially hair in the armpit area. Waxing does hurt but the it's more of a shock. The wax did effectively remove most of my hair on my legs. I like how it doesn't leave the root of the hair like shaving does. My armpit is not much smoother. I definitely recommend this product to any gals with thick hair. If you have thin hair its better to shave or bleach it.

I hope my review was helpful!