Saturday, April 18, 2015

Building Relationships, Better Business


I don't remember talking about my business fraternity a lot but this past week we finally initiated 9 new brothers into our fraternity.

I am also getting another little! My first little Margaret is literally perfection and i'm really looking forward to spend time with my new little, Tina (pictured on the first row far left).

 Afterwards a bunch of us went to L'abratross to celebrate. This french restaurant had the best service ever. The waitors also refill the water and bread. I had the chicken breast which was delicious.

This honey-almond cake is only so-so.

We finally ordered AKPSI shirts. I'm in love. 


This was the winning design chosen by our chapter. I'm so blessed to be part of this wonderful chapter that I enjoy oh so much.

Its been warm these couple of days over here. I'm going to enjoy this!

See ya next post and have a wonderful day.

