Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Story: Elite


More story writing since I have time now. Sorry its going to be messy and confusing and what not because I didn't edit this beforehand.

I stepped off the plane and into the airport. The sun was shining so bright that i can hardly see. It's been so nice being abroad these few years. Sometimes I wonder why I haven't gone sooner. Perhaps I was waiting for Terence to come into my life to go with me. He already came a couple days earlier and is planning to stay temporary for urgent matters. He's the reason why I'm here now. Our family driver came and picked me up.
"Welcome back miss," he said.
I nodded and rested comfortably at the back seat. I felt the wind on my hand when I stuck it out the window. The sunlight glisten brightly on my engagement ring. It's just a simple single diamond with a silver band. It's just the way I like it. 

I made a pit stop at my favorite coffee shop that he introduced me to. When we were together we used to come here a lot. Even though only a couple of years have passed I felt like the years I've known him never happened like dream. I don't hate him nor do I feel sad anymore because i had met Terence. I feel like he was my savior in my time of despair. When I was alone and sad he appeared in my life. He understands me more than anyone else in this world. I order my usual iced latte. 


Kingsley went into a coffee shop to get his coffee. After the accident for some reason he found himself attracted to this place. He discovered that this particular coffee place always makes his orders good and right. Whenever he's drinking their coffee he feels so calm. Though due to his busy workload he hasn't been able to come here as often. 
"Mr your girlfriend just left. I haven't seen you together for awhile" said the barista.
"My girlfriend?" he asked her.
"Yeah when I first started to work here, you two came frequently to our coffee shop. Even the times you weren't together you would always get her coffee. Here's your coffee" the barista handed him. 

Tiffany arrived at her home. Since she came back during busy working hours her parents were not there. It was always been like this. Her parents are workaholics who cared about stocks more than their own daughter. She missed her older brother, Derek. He couldn't handle their parents anymore and left home when he was just eighteen. They still talk and he occasionally updates her on his life. Right away Derek moved in with his girlfriend and when she was pregnant. They have always been struggling through the years and couldn't pay their bills on multiply occasions. He's too stubborn enough to not come back home. 
Since she was a little girl Tiffany never had many friends. With her easy personality she knew a lot of people but never got to the friend stage with them. He was her only friend. He was her ex-fiancĂ©, Pierre. She knew Pierre ever since the moment she was born. Both their parents wanted them to get married from the very beginning. Gradually through out the years he became her best friend. Pierre always had the rebellious streak. Despite his parent's wishes he dated a couple of girls during high school. 
Tiffany saw Pierre with a new girl around his arm. His new girl was the bitch and most popular at school, Lily. Tiffany is Lily's half-sister. Derek's parents got divorced. The divorce was nasty and they are no longer on speaking terms. His dad married Tiffany's mom while his mom married Lily's dad. Derek always believed that it was Lily's dad who caused the divorce. He never even acknowledge Lily's existence and refuses to visit his mom. 
Tiffany dislikes Lily. She knows that once she gets a chance Lily will rub it in her face. 

I hope you like it. I will write more as I go. I hope your enjoying your summer so far!



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