Thursday, April 10, 2014

Feels Like Spring

 (iced vanilla latte :D)


Today was such a lovely day! So nice and warm earlier thought its a bit chilly right now.

Re-did my nails in classic french with a single stripe of silver. I absolutely love this design as you can see I always do my nails this way.

Things have been much calmer ever since greek week ended. I'm ready to be done. Tomorrow I have a business frat event that I helped coordinate. Yeah i need to attend that. I really wish it wasn't on a friday but that day was the only day that we could get a place. Also something totally unrelated to this but we're doing this personal budget individual project for acct and I love it. It basically will mimic the expenses and income that will occur after graduation and when i find a job. I thought about just staying in this city after graduation and just commuting if i find a job here. All rent expense & food expense eliminated if I live with my mom ha! I don't know what going to happen so ya~



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