Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Trip Downtown

(oooooh~ can you guess what's inside?)


I went to the downtown of my city with one of my best friends the other day. We just went there to catch up and such. It was only the two of us because our other friends were all busy. I'm going back to college soon and I'm really going to miss her :( We've been friends for 7 years already. We're similar in some aspects and we really get along well. I really like our downtown area because there's little shops and places to eat.

We went to the nice little crêpe place. This time was one of the few times that i didn't see anyone i know working there. We've been there before but I wanted to try something new. This time I got the dark chocolate strawberry. It wasn't too sweet and i liked that. Wasn't a bit fan of the strawberries though. I prefer to eat fresh strawberries as compared to preserved ones.

If you guessed cupcakes for what's in the box then you are right! There's this lovely cupcake shop there which i probably have blogged about before. I had to get cupcakes to eat. I think they cost $2.50 each. I absolutely love the cupcakes. It's just that something about sweets that makes me so happy. It's probably the sugar.

This first lovely cupcake is raspberry mocha. I'm usually not a big fan of chocolate cupcake or cake so this was average for me. Definitely recommend this for chocolate lovers~

This is the lovely blueberry one and it has cinnamon in the inside. It kinda reminded me of coffee cake~

This last one is the chocolate chip. I got this last time but I wanted to it again. It tasted great as usual.

It been a lovely 3 months at home but I'm ready to go back to college~ Hopefully i can keep up with the postings!

Have a good day!



Saturday, August 2, 2014

Cheesecake Factory


Only a couple more weeks till back to school I go. I still have to buy some textbooks and such. I'll be back a week earlier than classes start because I have to help the incoming freshman move-in. That week before classes I don't exactly get to relax because of my sorority's fall retreat. We're going to a camp nearby. Though I'm happy to spend time with my sisters I'm not too excited for the camping part. It's just that in the past I have been to cabin camping before and it's not my fav.

We've been wanting to go out for lunch but we didn't exactly know where we should go. Me and my sibs went to the cheesecake factory. The cheesecake factory near me is located in this nice plaza. I've eaten their cheesecake before but never dined -in. This is a first time experience for me. Their cheesecake is the best!

When we arrived at our table we saw this nice little setting. The ambiance of the restaurant was really nice. There was also a patio outside if you want to eat outside. Of course we decided to stay indoors because it was still a bit chilly and I don't really like to eat outside too much. The servers all wore entirely white even their shoes which were super weird.

We shared a fried mushroom, zucchini, and avocado small dish. It was pretty good especial the zucchini. The sauces fit these fried veggies really well. Bread was also served but I didn't get the chance to take a pic. 

I got the pasta da vinci. I forgot to ask for no mushrooms :( It was really good except the sauce was too savory. The chicken was really good. I like how the chicken was cooked just right not to dried or raw. Next time if i get pasta I want to get pasta with marinara sauce.

Of course the goal of our trip was to get cheesecake. On July 30 & 31 a slice of cheesecake is half off with any entree purchases. Even though this deal was going on there wasn't too much people. I got the tiramisu cheesecake. It was delicious and whip was good as well.

My brother on the other hand ordered the banana cream cheesecake. I tried a bit of his and it was also very good. I would definitely like to try other flavors of cheesecake next time.

Overall my experience went pretty well. I like this place. Though I thought it was pricy just for lunch.   I would like to go back in the future.

Hope your day goes well :)
