Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My First Michael Kors Handbag


These days have been boring for me just working out and going to work. I did clean out my room today. Even though things are still everywhere I managed to clear some things out which is good. I still need to fix up my closet. So far my plans are too:
  • remove my closet doors and replace them with curtains
  • get some drawer space for jeans and t-shirts
  • get a new plastic container for my things that are not clothes like books and such
  • somehow create a thang for me to hang my clothes
This going to be tough considering how small my closet is.

gnocchi alla ranallo

The other day I went to meet up with my friends. We met at this coffee shop place. I didn't get anything because I had already gotten coffee earlier in the day. It was sorta a last minute thing for me too. I mean I knew that this meet up was happening but I didn't say that I was actually going until the day of. After my friends finished their coffee we just walked around. We went into this cute boutique. They actually opened on June 1 so thats really recent. The clothes were very cute and stylish though a bit pricey. I loved the decor though. It mixed girly with vintage. Later on we were tired so we decided to go to this Italian place to eat dinner. I ordered the above gnocchi. It was average because it didnt have a lot of taste to it. The staff was great. They kept refilling our waters. They used wine glasses to put our waters. That made it so classy. There wasn't a lot of customers at the time. 

As I may have mentioned before I work out in the mornings with my sister. That day our mom had to go shopping for the restaurant so she dropped us off. It was really raining hard so she told us it will take awhile. We want to go to the neighboring T.J. Maxx but it wasn't opened yet so we browsed through big lot. I was still eying on things for my closet.

I've wanted a Michael Kors bag for awhile since its pretty popular and I also needed a new bag. While we were shopping we saw these beautiful Michael Kors bag. There was a lot of this kind of bag with different colors. Since we've been looking around and the cheapest mk bags are here we decided to each get one. The above picture is pretty bad because of the lighting so i took another one.

I decided to get the black Michael Kors bag because I just can't deal with lighter color bags. I'm a messy person I will get that bag dirty. Black seemed to be the best option for me. My sister got the identical one except in gold.


  • durable and water resistant
  • many pockets inside perfect to put my phone
  • there is also a back pocket
  • reasonable price


  • a tad bit heavy
  • a little too big of a bag than I needed
  • it is not enclosed small things can fall out if you tip it
  • older version
Overall I'm really satisfied with this bag.

I hope you have a good day!



Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Update on Life


I got starbucks a week a ago. It was absolutely perfect. I love the starbucks in my town. I got the new cafe espresso frap, my sis- cookie crumble frap, & mom- dark roast coffee. Seriously though my starbucks is always delicious. I'm starting to get a little starbucks deprived right now.

Since I started to working out I thought it was great idea to get new work gear. I got the above tank and shoes from the nike outlet. Totally in love I love new clothes. I also got new sports bras from another place though. I've been working out for two weeks now. I really like the facility that i'm going to. There is a private women's workout area, cinema screen workout room, and full locker room. 

Last Sunday I went to my aunt's wedding reception. I'm happy to gain another uncle. It was at a chinese restaurant with americanized chinese food. 

This was the lovely wedding cake. I loved that there was fruits on it. Too bad the cake fell down during mid-reception.

Today I met up with one of my best friends to go out for lunch. It nice to able to meet up with her since most of our friends are always so busy. The drink above is the very berry limeade. I think I also got it the last time i was there.

For lunch I got the turkey burger and regular fries. The burger was a bit spicy so not my favorite.

That is all. I hope you are having a great summer so far!
