Friday, March 28, 2014

Some Other Buys and Such


I hope all is well. I forgot to post the color of the sephora lipstick so here it. The color is called rouge shine.

I've had this eyeko eyeliner for a while and I'm sure that it's in my previous posts before. I've been obsess with this. This liquid liner is very smooth gliding when used on top of my marykay cream eyeshadow. 

I recently bought this neutrogena eye make up remover. First of all my makeup comes off easily with this. Even though its oil-free I still feel a little oily but doesn't dry my skin so I approve.

This is the first sports bra that I bought. Hopefully it becomes useful to me.

Here are some jeans and a plain black shirt that I got. The jeans were very cheap yays!

I really need to step up my game and actually do things. 

Things I need to do:
  • find summer internship/job
  • figure out classes for next semester
  • find a place to volunteer
  • work out and eat healthy
My life has been pretty boring and I really want to go on a vacation blah!

I hope you have a good day and thanks for reading :)



Friday, March 21, 2014


(mint nails!)


This is just a couple of things I got from the mall.

I don't own any lip stick so I decided to just buy a cheaper lipstick from sephora. The color I got was actually really nice. I like how its not too bright but maybe next time I'll be braver and actually get a bright red lipstick.

The active wear was cheap so I got these two long sleeves. Its hard to see the black shirt but I think its more suitable for casual wear than working out.

I'm not good at taking pictures but I love this dress. It was super cheap! The design is really nice too. Too bad its a small so I can't get fat or else I won't be able to fit in it anymore. This is my motivation to work out and eat healthy.

I also got another dress. This one is in green and yellow. There colors are my sorority colors ha!

I also got these comfy black flats from payless. Since my work at college requires me to wear semi business casual, I thought that these would be perfect. I decided to not get any shoes with heels so that I would be able to move things easily.

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

French Macaroons


Today I got some free french macaroons :) Thanks to my school. The flavors were lavender, pistachio, and chocolate. They were delicious! I wished I could have made them myself. They are super sweet so after eating the three of them I was like done. I also got a free mug too~

This lavender flavor macaroon was my favorite. It just had a hit of lavender but not too much no too little. Even though it's kinda plain looking the color is very nice.

This is the pistachio macaroon. True to its name it does in fact taste like pistachios. I like it but I'm not too big fan of pistachios. I like how they did sprinkle some pistachios on the top.

This last one is the chocolate macaroon. Too bad that I'm not a huge chocolate fan. Sorry to say it was my least favorite out of the three. 

I checked the patisserie and it was actually pretty close to my dorm. I didn't know the location until now. These macaroons sell for about $1.25 each in store. Ah pretty expensive~ They were overall delicious!

A little update on my life/day:
  • still busy with plenty of homework today
  • went to a meeting got a free tote bag
  • went to a smoothie place and got myself a smoothie
  • visited the patisserie though i only got 1 thing, will blog about it later
  • totally did not do well on my math quiz
  • going to hate my life next week because of all the tests
  • have to go to network event tomorrow (possibly wearing my new prof. skirt)
  • have to go to three new member meetings this week
  • surprising I have to go to work on friday

Have a great day!



Thursday, March 13, 2014

Snow and Food


Yesterday was super snowy hence the pic above but tomorrow its going to return to 50 degrees weather so I am ok with that. These past few days I've been just eating, sleeping, and working though I did do p90x stretching and ab ripper x with sis and brother. Of course I could do the entire thing its way too intense for me. I really need to catch up on homework as well as studying. On monday I was able to eat lunch with one of my really close high school friend. It was really nice that both of our spring breaks occurred at the same time.

(mango smoothie, chicken panini?, and potato soup)

We went to Panera and it was delicious as usual. Early in the week we also went to Trader Joe's. I like   Trader Joe's as well as the plaza that its in. We bought groceries and there was macaroons.

I remembered to take a picture of it before I ate it. I believed that its caramel favored. Its so cute why couldn't I make ones like that.

My mom bought some Lindt chocolates but I don't know where she bought them. They are truffles!

There are so pretty~
(confetti puppy chow)

So my RA was selling these puppy chows for her club but they had a lot left so she gave some to me and my floor mates. This is the first time I ever ate puppy chow. It was ok. I don't understand why people are so obsessed with it. It was too sweet for me.

Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been trying to edit my pictures with gimp. This post is going end here so I don't overwhelm it with pictures.

Have a lovely day!
