Saturday, February 22, 2014

Well.. that was awkward


I love this week. It has been very relaxing~ Yesterday I received this special package above. I got it because I won the leadership through service award. Yay congrats to me.

Yesterday was another sister luncheon day. I got the bbq pulled chicken.

Oh the explanation for the last post. A few days ago I received a email from a sorority sister about meeting up in person. I met up with her during luncheon yesterday. She wanted me to remove the picture that I had with a girl in my business frat who i also though was in our sorority. So apparently that girl is no longer a member. She failed to maintain the requirements as a member and made no attempts to do so. It wasn't something sudden it happened for awhile. My sorority sister did not want our letters associated with her. The thing is that girl face booked me a few weeks ago saying that we were in the same sorority. Thats awkward that she still thinks she's in the sorority even though she's not. So that is the reason I took down the pic.

Later today I will go out to eat with my floor mates~

Have a lovely day!



Thursday, February 20, 2014

Alpha Kappa Psi Induction


This is just another update on my life. After a hectic week this week has been pretty calm which i like very much. Yesterday night I was finally inducted into my business fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi (Akpsi) yay me! Here are some pics that I took last night. I didn't have time to take much pics since everybody was already leaving.

This is our pin that we received.

This is me and Yujiao. She's super sweet and i met her during recruitment. I later found out that she was in my econ class which is pretty nice. She also owns the cutest sweaters.

 I also met her during recruitment. I had gotten to know her better since that day i helped her get ready for the rush interview. She's nice and I found out that we were in the same sorority after she added me and Facebook.  EDIT: The pic above was deleted on Facebook due to a request. So I also deleted it here. I will explain the detailed reason on my next post.

This is Tammie. Even though I still don't know her pretty well she's seems sweet.

In the middle is Iris. She is the VP of membership I believe. Though rush I learned that she can be serious and on top of things. For what I've seen she puts a lot into this organization and i admire her for that. Also she can be super sarcastic. 

This is Marina. She is adorable. I love her pink coat.

Even thought in the pictures above you seen that all the girls are asians that is not everyone. We are not an asian organization. Here is the pledge class of spring 2014:

BAM! Aren't we a group of professional students!

Oh at the top of this post you can see a picture of a chipotle chicken burrito bowl. That was indeed a delicious burrito and I had it with guac. The reason I put it up is because I finally cold download the photo editing program I really liked. It is called GIMP. I used this program when I had my first laptop. Its free and a cheaper version of photoshop. Even though I used it in the past I'm still getting used to it right. I used this program to edit the burrito bowl above. It's not the best right now but once I get use to it my pictures will be better. 

Thanks for ready and have a good day~



Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to take a screenshot on a mac

Hey guys,

I pretty sure many of us use an apple product. I got my macbook pro last august and still I don't know many feature. From my sister I did learn how to screen shot things which is a pretty useful tool. Its actually pretty simple.

You just need to press "command" + "shift" + "4" simultaneously.

Your cursor should turn into something like this.

Left click while moving the cursor to the desired area. When you let go it should look something like this.

Voila! The thing i really like about this feature on the mac more than on windows is that on the mac you can choose which how much you want to screenshot. You don't have to screenshot the entire thing like I did above in the example. There is no need for cropping anymore.

See you can screenshot just a little corner if you like.

Thanks for reading and have a wonder day~



Monday, February 17, 2014

A Weekend Home And Now I'm Back


I hope your weekend went well. I just back yesterday from home. I'm feeling nauseous today. My roommate is feeling sick and threw up yesterday. I suspect its the cafeteria food but I don't know. Anyway the picture above is one of my close floor mates and I. Our RA had a program talking about healthy relationships. We had a guest speaker too. He let us play with these STD/STI plushies. She's holding chlamydia while I'm holding gonorrhea. Haha aren't we cute.

Last friday I went to the eat lunch with my sorority sisters again. They had this chicken strips with waffles. Hmmm it was so good and the winter Olympics was also playing on tv. 

This is the sweater that my momma bought me. So warm~

Lastly I bought these black wedges so I can wear them for my induction ceremonies~

Gotta study~




Thursday, February 13, 2014

All That Earlier Stuff


I'm going to post pics to that I took at the museum with my sorority sisters. Haha as you can see I blink there ah~  At least I looked ok there. Those were so big bones there. My sorority is also going to have our formal there. I like it such a nice place. There were also a lot of little kids.

(otters in the water)

One of my sisters love otters so of course we went to see the otters first. Most of us didn't know that the otters are outside so were didn't have our coats on brrr~ The otters were super active and so adorable.

This niffty little fox was walking skillfully on the log. This was my first time seeing a real fox so cool! 

Even though raccoons were not my favorite, i liked looking at the raccoons there. After than we went to some restaurant and I ate some pad thai for the first time. It was ok not the best. Overall a good experience. Going home this weekend~

Have a good day!



Short Post About My Day

(turtle cheesecake)

So this week has been going bad for me. I'm finally done with the four tests and 2 quizzes. I was highly upset that I failed one of them already. So yeah after a long stressful day I went to a coffee place and got myself a cup of hot chocolate and the cheesecake above. The cheesecake was average and not the best. The hot chocolate though is really good. I go home this weekend which is really nice. I hope you have a wonderful day.



Monday, February 10, 2014

Yep I Got In


Just a quick update. Today I went to my classes tired since I slept a little late. I had my econ test which eh I don't know if it went well. Later on I heard a knock on my door and a girl who I know from the business frat appeared. She came to give me my bid. I got into the business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi. Yays!

That is all have a lovely day :)



Saturday, February 8, 2014

My Day Yesterday


So these past weeks have been so busy for me. Yesterday was quite a busy day for me. Between classes I had lunch with my sorority sisters. I got a chicken quesadilla through the recommendations of one of my sorority sisters who had worked at this place before. It was good but I got so full from it. I really liked being able to just chill and get to know my sorority sisters a little better.

(Chicken quesadilla)

I had received an email earlier from the accounting department about celebrating the chinese new year. Chinese new year was last weekend and I don't know why we are celebrating it now. It was so awkward because most people were older than I was and I didn't know anyone. There was no diversity there most of them were chinese international student. I had some food so it was ok.

(chicken fried rice, pork bun, dumplings)

I finished rushing for my business fraternity. We went to eat at a Italian place which was really nice. I was nicer that they treat us to dinner though I would have prefered to eat spaghetti than pizza. I am trying to be healthier this semester. Then we went to a nearby bakery which is very popular around here. Of course I got some dessert to go.

(the assorted goods available)

Look at all the delicious dessert. It became so hard for me to choose. 

(little cheesecake)
The pretty little cheesecake before it got smushed on the way back.

Afterwards I walked back with some Chinese girls probably international student back to our dorms. They were so nice. One of them offered to hold my desserts I bought since I didn't have gloves. So nice~ Then as we were walking back one of the girls found a twenty dollar bill on the ground so lucky!

Overall I had a really good day. Thought it was extremely cold brrrr! Today i'm going to the museum with my sorority sisters yay! Then i need to study since I have 4 tests and 2 quizzes next week.

Hasta luego,